Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kiyana Braylee Bursey.....labor and delivery story

Well this was definitly the most exciting and crazy labor and delivery I've had out of all 3 of my kids. Where do I start???

Wednesday was going to be an eventful day anyway because that was our court date to see if we can relocate to TX. We had said all along that we just wanted to get court over with and then Kiya could come whenever she wanted to. To our surprise it was going to be a lot sooner than expected.
   I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday at 4:15 so Taurus came and got me from work, the doctor checked me and I was a full 4 cm. Last week I was a good 3-4 cm. It may seem like a lot to most women who don't even dialate before they go into labor or who only do 1-2 cm, but with Bredun I was 4 cm for a week and a half before anything happened. So we left there, did some errands, and went home.
  We all ended up going to bed early that night. I was feeling crampy, which I had been all day, but I assumed from getting checked at the doctors I was extra crampy, no big deal. So we went to bed around 10ish and at 10:30 one of my friends text me and was like "Are you going to have that baby tonight?"....."don't know, but you know I'll let ya know." Then Taurus' brother text him and was like "have you had that baby?"...."no not yet." Ok really?! I was like ok people we'll tell you, we're trying to sleep! Well I woke up around 11 and couldn't really sleep was still having pains, and went to take some tylenol to see if that would help with the "cramps." At 11:15 they were getting worse and I was like well I'll just time them and see what goes on. The were 4-5 min apart, and I knew this could be "real labor" so I needed to keep timing them to see if they stayed like that or not. So about 30 min later they started to get to be 3 min apart. They hurt so bad. I was standing, swaying, sitting on the bed, walking around, bending over. Anything to see if it would ease the pain....yeah it didn't. So I told Taurus ok lets just go in, I don't care if they tell me to go home, this hurts.
   He woke up Juliana and told her to get her shoes on, which she then preceeded to stare at me and ask me "Mommy is that my sister hurting you?"..."Yes Juliana it is." " Do you want me to tell her to stop?" ....why of course! He went and Got Bredun ready, who started to cry and was wanting me to hold him, I thought about it, but the contractions kept coming so close together, it wasn't happening. I made it down the stairs and he got the kids loaded in the car, bags in the trunk, I made it in the car after stopping once on my way to the car dropping my purse and moaning through a pretty painful contraction.
   On the way to the hospital, I was moaning, trying to breath at a slow and steady pace, and make it through them. I managed to tell Taurus to hurry as fast as he could because this was definitly it. We finally turned onto the street to the hospital and I felt like I had to push....we were almost there though! Taurus looks at me and say's "what?!!", misses the turn to the hospital, slams on the breaks (which didn't help so much) and reverses the car gets up to the emergency enterance. He runs into the hospital where he tells them that my wife is in labor and feels like she has to push. He told me later that when he told them that they kind of just looked at him and smiled like he probably didn't know what was really going on.
   They came out with a wheelchair, and tried to get me  into it which was taking longer because I was going through contraction after contraction, feeling like I had to push again while she was pushing me up the ramps. Of course they try to ask you all these questions " What's your name?, when's your due date, when did you start timing your contractions?" I just moaned and tried breathing normal. I think I got my first name out, and that was it until I got up to the actual labor and delivery area. Once I got up there I had needed to push AGAIN, I finally got my name, due date and when I started timing contractions out in one sentence, one breath.
   They got me into a room where they then were trying to ask me if I was allergic to anything, when I started timing things, due date, everything. I said " I HAVE TO PUUUSHHH." they were like ok we have to get you on the bed, they pulled my pants down and got me onto the bed while half way putting a gown on me. A nurse was trying to help me breath/pant through not pushing. They then told me the doctor was going to have to check to see how far along I was. Are you kidding me?? I had just help 4 pushes from leaving home to actually being here!! It hurt like no other, because of course he managed to do it during a contraction. I was yelling "Nooo stop it!" Then he got out, which I don't think I even heard what he said I was, becase once he got his hand out I said " I'm pussshhhinngg...." which they tried telling me to hold it, but when I was telling them that I was pushing, I was pushing! The nurse holding my hand looked under the sheet and said yeah uhhh there's a head and the bag. The bag burst on them all, which was weird to me, then I pushed one more time and she came out! I ended up having 3 or 4 stiches and got cleaned up. Taurus and Bredun ended up being in the room the whole time. They took Juliana away after they got me on the bed, I think because she was looking like what the heck is going on. So a nurse took her away.
   Taurus' facial expression afterwards was priceless. He was like "uhhh did that really just happen like that?" Bredun just sucked his thumb the whole time like ok whatever.
   It took her a few extra seconds to cry, and they took her away to get checked out and all that doctor stuff they have to do. Got the placenta out which they then "swooped" the inside of me to get any clots. The other doctor then told me that she had gotten some placenta with some of the blood and was going to have to scrap again....oh. my. goodness. Taurus said it looked like her whole arm was up there, and it sure did feel like it, but it was over in a few seconds.
   Later on after we were in our rooms and everything had settled down another nurse came in there and was like "sooo how are you feeling?" I heard you had a pretty crazy delivery. Yes, yes I did. She said all the nurses were sitting around and there had been only one other lady in there having contractions, but they weren't close and no one was making a big deal, then they saw all these doctors running past them and they were like "what's going on?" they looked at the monitors, and were like that lady isn't having a baby....well then who is? ME!!!! :) Everyone said we gave them some excitement for the night.
   Now we know if there is another baby, that as soon as I feel anything semi serious we need to go! Taurus thought he'd have to deliver, and I thought mannnn if he doesn't get there in 2 seconds he needs to pull over, because I'm about to push in his car. If anyone knows Taurus and his car....that would have not been ok. Of course he would have been fine with it while it was happening because it was for his little girl, but afterwards I'm sure he would have been like "dang!"

 That's it! Little miss Kiyana (which we'll call Kiya) Braylee Bursey.... 5 pounds 12 oz, 18 3.4 inches long, born at 12:11 am on Thursday October 29th. A tad shy of an hour labor and that's how ya do it! :)


  1. Hehe, I love your birth story! I mean, I'm glad you and Kiya are both safe! But what an exciting story to tell!! When I had Tanner, they were telling me to not push cause the Dr wasn't there yet, and I SO remember that feeling and me saying "I can't help it, I have to PUUUUUUUUSSSSSHHHHH" (all while "trying" to hold in a push. Didn't work well).

  2. anna-didn't know you had a blog! holy moly girl!!!! what a labor story! i was having contrations about every 5 minutes and they were really painful when we were stuck in traffic. everytime jesse braked it was noooo fun. so glad you didn't have that baby in the car!! :) congrats and way to go on a quick labor!

  3. This was so exciting! Thank you for sharing it! This was like my first and second rolled into one! My first, they tried to tell me not to push because the doctor wasn't there yet, and the second was just under two hours of labor and delivery with no drugs but at home. Glad you guys are happy and healthy and doing well. Good luck figuring out three kids!!

  4. Evie's birth went pretty fast too, although nowhere near as fast as yours, it was like just under 6 hours. That was a HELLUVA lot faster than my near 3 day labor with JJ! Anyhow, I got my epidural at 4 cm at around one o'clock AM, my water broke on its own 10 mins later. I dilated from 4-10 cm and pushed her out in less than two hours from when my water broke. She was born at around 3:15 AM, and my doctor almost didn't make it. I kept saying, "She's coming out, I'm not even pushing, the contractions are pushing her out for me. WHERE is the doctor??!" When my doctor arrived soon after she was having a hard time getting suited up. I remember her wrapping the end of her sleeve around her hand and holding Evie's head in telling me not to push because she didn't have her gloves on yet. And again, I replied "The contractions are moving her down. I am not even pushing, but there is NO STOPPING this baby!" God, that was an easy delivery, and JJ's was SO the opposite of that one. I'm really curious about what my next labors will be like!!

    Your's was almost a little TOO exciting, do you think? I'm glad mama and baby are healthy and well! :-)

  5. Love the story. Sounds like ot was a crazy night. At least it was only an hour though!
    I didn't know you had a blog. I'll have to keep up. If you're interestedm I have one too:



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