Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm ready...

I'm ready for tomorrow morning! Whatever the outcome, it's God's plan. I'm also hoping that baby girl can come! She needs to get OUT of my belly! I'm tired of: waddling, heartburns, not being able to tie my shoes, peeing every other min (and being disappointed when it doesn't last longer than 2 seconds), not being able to squat, turn over in bed, sleep on my belly, play with my kiddos like I want to, breathing normal....hmmmm is that is? I guess....for now.

Short and sweet....I"M READY!

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I love the new blog look!! CUTE!! And we're praying for you hon! Both for the court thing AND for that sweet baby girl! I know the last stretch of pregnancy is killer! Love you so much!



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