Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm a blog thief....

So I'm not the best at coming up with interesting things to blog about, and right now my life is pretty boring...stressful, yet not too different day by day to come up with something new to entertain you 2 or 3 people that read my blogs. How you all got sooo many followers is beyond me, but maybe it's a sign I'm not a good blogger.... anyway, when I was reading Devin's random post it was interesting and neat to read things you don't  really know about someone. Some you may know, but for the most part it's cool to read those, so I'm stealing your blog idea Devin....

RANDOM things, ideas and facts....about ME:

1. I can not sit on a public bathroom toliet seat. If there are not those seat covers I take toliet paper and make my own, or I pop and squat...which really works your thigh muscles...

2. I want 4 kids...hopefully the next one will be a boy, 2 girls 2 boys will be the best !

3. I ,like you Devin, am a tummy sleeper, and it was sooo annoying when pregnant when I couldn't sleep on my tummy.

4. I broke my pinker finger, and had surgery on it only to now not be able to straighten all. My husband makes fun of me because of it.

5. I'm a picky eater.

6. I love sweets, just about any kind of candy, and I will eat it and most likely not have leftovers.

7. I'm afraid of heights, and cried once when I took a mission trip to colorado and had to go to the freaked me out.

8. I had "pica" when I was pregnant with all 3 of my kids. I craved gravel dust with Juliana, cooking flour, and chalk (which I only licked) with Bredun, and sharpies, and laundry detergent with Kiya.

9. I was in labor for very short periods of times with my kids. 4 hours labor 10min pushing with Juliana, 7 hours labor, 5 min pushing with Bredun, and Kiya was 45 min of labor, and like 2 min of pushing, I'm scared for what the next one will be like.

10. I went to state in Track for the 200 meter and long jump when I was a freshman in HS and in the 4x4 relay my sophmore year. Don't ask me to race you now....

11. I was a cheerleader captain in HS.

12. I went to Veracruz, Mexico to play basketball....It was the best, I miss being able to play so good.

13. I want a house next year.

14. I won 1st place in a drama team competition in a skit with 2 other girls where my sister Beckie rewrote a skit to go along the lines of "The Brady Bunch." I was Cindy, my piggy tails and lisp was the best.

15.I like strange combinations of food, such as, popcorn dipped in nacho cheese, macaroni and cheese mixed with corn, peanut butter on toast with scrambled eggs on top.

16. I sucked my thumb until I was 5

17. It grosses me out when I sit in a seat at a public place and the seat is warm...there are only two ways the seat could have gotten that farted on it, or you were sitting there waayyy too long, either way, it grosses me out.

18. I was born a red head....then my hair fell out when I was 2 and grew back blonde.

19. I had my tonsils take out at age 12.

20. It really annoys me when people eat with their mouths open or chomp their really annoying.

21. I have the wierdest Aunt ever....OH you want examples...OK! If you come visit her, don't be there longer than a day, because she will give you 1 plate, 1 cup, 1 set of silverware and make you use the same set the whole time you're there. Don't eat pancakes or waffles with syrup with her, if you want more syrup and someone else has some on their plate, she'll scrape their leftover syrup onto your waffles. she saves used tape on the side of her refrigerator......just some examples.

22. I want a boob job....why?....babies....that's all I'm saying. :)

23. I have never been in a car accident *knock on wood*

24.I have broken my ankle 2 times, one from basketball, the other because of a little girl that got off the school bus too slowly and I wasn't paying attention and that last step off the bus to the ground is far when you're little, and well I broke it...stupid little girl.

25. I want to go to cosmetology school one day....hopefully soon, if its in Gods plans, I'm on my knees and crossing my fingers it will come together.

WOW, that was probably the longest blog ever. Hope you enjoyed it, learned some new things about me, and still will continue to be my friend. I don't think there's too many wierd, crazy, scary things in there. If there are any blog suggestions for the future let me know! And how do you all get so many followers?? I don't want my blog to be pointless....


  1. I'm with you on the public toilet seats! I didn't use the bathroom one time in my entire high school career because they grossed me out so bad, and I only go if I REALLY need to anywhere other than home, and have toilet seat covers in my purse.

    And I really hope you get to go to cosmotoligy school, it would make me happy. :-)

  2. Ew you ARE weird!! I'm not sure I can be cousins with you ;)

    Actually, on the contrary, I wish we lived CLOSER to each other! But instead, we keep moving farther away - I moved to Minnesota, you're going to move to Texas (eventually)... *sigh* I miss yo face.

    PS your aunt IS weird - but at first I was going to say "you're going to have to specify, our family is FULL of weird aunts" ;) hehe, kidding!!!

  3. Ooooh I just came back to add something and saw your pretty new blog!!! LOVE it!!!!!

  4. Thanks Mrs. Devin did it for me...shes so awesome.



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