Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok so I know that most people who read this will have already known that court was postponed because I posted it on Facebook, but just blogging about it, keeping everyone updated. We went in there and When they first called our names it was just my lawyer, me and his lawyer. He was there, but for some reason didn't come into the room? Not sure why, but ok whatever. So then the judge preceeds to tell us that there are like 4 other cases besides ours so they can only allow 30 min for each case! Ok come on really, because I'm pretty sure that most of them will take longer than that. So we had to decide to come back on another day. We go tomorrow (Wednesday) and I'm hoping there are no other mishaps, and we'll get it over. It's at 9 am, and I'm glad to not have to wait all day for it to come, but worried because if the outcome isn't good, I have to go to work right afterwards, and I don't know how I'll be. I know I'll be super upset, becasue I just really won't understand the reasoning if it's not granted. I mean since I'm giving him all of summer and including that at any time he can arrange, at his own expense, to come and see her, I can't imagine a judge not seeing that I'm willing to make his "relationship" as best as it can be with the circumstances. Ok....*sigh* Here we go again....

God you hear me? I need you...

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