Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm over the baby belly...

Ugh... I'm so over being prego. I'm thinking if it wouldn't have been so soon after having Bredun maybe I wouldn't be feeling like this, but right now I'm wanting her out more than anything. Anyone know what I can do to NOT think of the negative? I'm trying to keep myself busy doing little "tasks" here and tehre. I've painted the crib, rearranged our bedroom for the crib to fit, made a baby blanket for a friend, cleaned out most of our house, cleaned, gotten rid of old clothes of Juliana and Breduns, Juliana goes to gymnastics now, but I can't stop thinking of how uncomfortable I am!!! Ok I'm having a moment, and this is me venting to one person.....that's right MM YOU! Because you're the only one that I have that comments....I have no followers. :(

Ugh....I'm over it.

1 comment:

  1. Well you know what I have to say about it ;-) She's MORE than welcome to come out after next weekend!! Heck - if she comes next weekend I would be THRILLED to be a part of her delivery in some way, even if it's just being around to hold her after she's born!!!! I'm wicked excited for her to come ;-) You're in the home stretch my lady!



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